Monday, January 30, 2017

Drum Roll Please

    I know we're all sick and tired of politics! Things are crazy, ridiculous, and downright matter which side you're on. But here's the thing...don't drown reality by begging people to post funny cat videos or positive vibes because you can't take it. Shoot, I'd rather see people posting views different from mine because at least it shows that they care. Oh, and I'm not talking about the  "This meme...I like it...I agree with this frog's political thoughts" posts but the ones that actually took a little initiative or depict some level of thought on the subject. So while a third of you dislike Trump because that's "Not what you meant by Orange is the New Black" the other third of you are basing your information off of one news source, and the rest of you could either care less or (like me ) are trying to fit the pieces of a very complicated and messy puzzle together. Because let's face it...the last time the world faced a battle of ideals like the one we're in now was with the rise of the Soviet Union and the US's policy of containment.
      Simply put, the purpose of me even starting this blog (and after much debate) was...quite frankly...because every time I turn around I am met with either apathy or logic so absurd it became apparent that this is not the time to be silent. But, and you can thank me later for this, rather than posting on Facebook (yes, I use the dreaded "f" word) I decided to use a different forum. My hope is that people don't stop discussing the issues but at the same time stop bringing such emotion to the table and instead bring their brains. And to my peers...who is going to ask the questions and spark the conversations when mommy and daddy are no longer around to schedule your appointments for you and while you're still too busy laughing at some half drunk squirrel trying to climb a tree? Got to admit I laughed too! But seriously though. History is being made and you are a part of it. Which side will you be on when the world looks back on us with 20/20 hindsight? So...first up....immigration ban. Coming soon...

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