Thursday, February 2, 2017

I'm Just Saying...

       Thought I'd take a couple minutes to share my thoughts on an issue that has weighed heavily on my mind lately. No, it's not global warming, animal rights, or even pizza! It's the "controversial" pro-life/pro-choice debacle which has been at the forefront of issues as of late. I'm going to go ahead a skip the "it's a fetus" "it's a human being" aspect of it since science has already cleared that up for us (shout out to science for actually being practical in this instance). OK, maybe not...I lied. First of all, it's not your body. DNA, will attest to that fact as well as the incredible fact that never again in the history of the universe will there be another one like it. A unique existence whether you believe it's a human-being or not. Like I said, this is already largely understood and so "who cares, it's legal and convenient" and "well, it's my/their right" are the fall back arguments. But that's just don't have the right to do whatever you want. You give up rights ever single day: your "right" to drive 90 in a 70, your "right" to walk down the street naked or smoke whatever the heck you want...among other things. Society collectively  decides to give up certain "rights" for the good whole. But the wheels on the bus go round and round and we'll simply exhaust ourselves while getting nowhere. It is largely because of this fact, that I came to a difficult can't make abortion illegal.
         Oh, I suppose you could but let's think about this. Human nature people. Human nature. Women have known how to terminate unwanted pregnancies since ancient times! If you want to take a life, you're going to do it. Now, I am against forcing me to use my money to pay for others abortions. I feel that clinics should be forced to use their own and not government funds. But, if you make abortion illegal what would happen? The rise of abortion horror studies would make a clinic seem like a day at Disney World. We've already seen the effects of government banning what the human heart desires with prohibition. So no, I don't want to see abortion made illegal (although I must admit, it kinda makes me cringe to say it). No, I want to see people choosing not to have one, and living their lives in such a way that they're not even in that kind of "predicament". (Most abortions are had by unmarried girls under the age of 25).
        We want to scream "it's my body, it's my choice, it's my right" without addressing the real problem. Why are a majority of people going to the clinic in the first place? Not all of course, but the majority? Instead of screaming "it's my right" why don't we teach young people the dangers of promiscuous living? There are young teenage girls getting pregnant left and right but the issue is still whether or not it's her right to have an abortion?! You have young adults who have no problem sleeping around or living with a partner but can't be bothered with a child because  "it's not financially wise"  or "not convenient" and yet the question is still whether or not it's her right to terminate her pregnancy?! The problem is not abortion, but the hearts of the people. It's not just a basic matter of birth control either. Teach young girls to respect themselves! They shouldn't even be having sex! This applies to guys too. Teach them the real life dangers. Bring back moral principle, a call to a higher standard, and the value and sanctity of life.  Teach the young adults about responsibility and living for something greater than just yourself. All before getting pregnant, not just after! You see, the problem isn't abortion at all. It's people that choose. And what about saving the mother from the psychological and physiological effects of having an abortion? The reality is...she is also a victim!

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